Saturday, November 17, 2007


A lot of things have happened in the last few days. Most of them have involved a lot of words coming out of my mouth, often angry words, directed at my roommate. In the course of two days, we may have talked for 6 hours or more about the state of our relationship. The end result is that I will soon be living alone again. This is amicable but not simple or necessarily easy, and I do not know what will become of us in the future. I do know that I am ready to be farther away from his life, though. Very ready indeed.
At first in fact I felt incredibly guilty about asking him to leave, even though he had anticipated it. I felt all mawkish, made breakfast and acted nice, even somehow found myself saying that in the future maybe he could move back in. That was pretty foolish of me, because right now, as he is lying in a sleepy heap in his corner of the apartment, back this morning from staying over at my classmate's apartment, I really just want this entire thing over with.

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