Sunday, July 27, 2008


Oh my god, typing in Korean is so hard. Also, I bet I spelled that wrong. This language hates the shit out of me.

Anyway! So, update time, internet world. Right now, I am studying vocabulary words for my 10th vocabulary quiz in korean (roughly two per week, oy vey), after having finished about half the class (and about 1/100th of the homework). This week, on the menu are words such as "eye" and "gloves", and verbs or verb-like adjectives like "to be warm" and "to congratulate". Did you know that in this language, adjectives conjugate like verbs do, but for some reason aren't verbs and therefore seperate grammatical rules apply to them? Shoot me, please, I beg you.


Anonymous said...

soclose! 안녕*

tinadina said...

well if one is an adjective and one is a verb, of course it should have separate rules. otherwise they'd be the same thing. and then where would you be? deciphering whether a phrase was "red eye" or "rolling eye"

tinadina said...

wait... syntax comes into play here somewhere. maybe those different rules could be done away with after all