Monday, October 19, 2009

Today I have been sick.

I've had a lot of strange sick-person dreams, including one where I had to escape my evil weird family to chase after the love of my life (?) who was in another country...this involved riding a big motorcycle and going to a wedding but hiding in the closet and all sorts of really strange nonsense.
This was after a dream in which Conan O'Brien was telling dirty jokes as I carried around a sick man who was somehow both homosexual and my lover.
Then, the third dream was that I was going into a library over and over again, but could never tell whether or not the library was open due to the poor lighting and heavy oak trees surrounding the building. I half woke up convinced I was supposed to start writing a comic strip about a young librarian who worked there, and a boy who starts to study to become a wizard in order to win her love.

...Which is not the worst idea for a comic. But it's not like I can draw or anything.

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