Here is a list of things I particularly don't enjoy, in case you were ever curious.
2. The ambiguity of dating someone new (not to be confused with the excitement of dating someone new).
3. This whole Lady Gaga bullshit.
4. Yellow-y light incandescent bulbs.
5. Large or weird-looking bugs.
6. Pit stains.
7. People looking at me when I don't feel like being looked at.
8. When I overcook my bowl of peas in the microwave.
9. Sitcoms where the fat husband has the hot wife. As well as sitcoms, in general.
10. My own complete inability to put my clothing away in a drawer.
11. People who respond to an either/or question with "yes". I.E., Me: "Do you want to go to the store before or after dinner?" My mother: "Yes."
12. Insufficiently sharp pencils.
13. Places that sell women's shoes, but only carry up to size 10.
14. A lot of things about contemporary politics and the state of the world today that would take a very long list indeed to describe in full.
15. Doing the dishes, unless I'm in a great mood and there's music on.
16. The feeling that the future holds many unforeseen and unfortunate events.
17. Finding dirty clothes intermingling with the clean clothes.
18. Moths in the house.
19. People who don't at some point ask "how are you?" after you have asked them that same question.
20. Not knowing when a text message conversation has officially ended.
21. Owning things that are supposed to be dry-cleaned, but not being able to afford dry-cleaning.
22. White people who think Japan is "fascinating," yet hold a slew of very stereotypical views on that same subject. Non-white people are also sometimes guilty of this offense.
23. The incredibly large amount of disorganized papers I possess.
24. Provolone cheese.
25. People who don't like tomatoes.
26. Blisters on the back of the heel.
27. Tripping on the cracks in the sidewalk.
28. Tripping on the cracks in the sidewalk, while someone is watching.
29. Hearing that an actor I liked signed that Roman Polanski petition.
30. Being unemployable.
31. Loneliness.
32. People who are really proud that they're meat eaters.
33. Knowing that my car will inevitably break down in a fantastic manner.
34. All the good shows getting canceled.
35. Losing touch with friends in faraway places.
36. Just about everything that has to do with menstruation.
37. Never, ever seeming to know where my keys are.
38. How in general adulthood seems to be about denying yourself small pleasures in service of a "future" plan or goal that might never come to fruition.
That seems like enough for now.
Good nice share.
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