Saturday, May 2, 2009

Something I learned today.

It's hard to be liked by boys who are also poets, because then they will write poetry about you. Or, worse, as in today, write poetry that certainly seems to be about you, then claim that it isn't...

Something I learned last night is that everyone, even people who don't like stand-up comedy, find Louis C.K. talking about white privilege excellent. And it is!

In related news, on Gawker a day or two ago Alex Pareene posted this little news tidbit about New York's first black AND first blind governor, David Paterson, being sued by someone who claimed he was fired for being white. After making fun of the dude, Pareene ended the article by reminding everyone that "reverse racism" does not, in fact, exist. And that made me happy.
Then I read the comments to the post, in which a lot of white people claimed that "reverse racism" does in fact exist, even trying to read into Pareene's very explicit statement that he did in fact think you can discriminate against the whites. And then I was glad, that I am no longer in college, and thus no longer have to hang out with stupid white people.

Luckily, faith in humanity was restored when someone quipped "Today as everyday, I cried big tears for all the injustices white men suffer."

Now, back to the books! Also, Pareene, if you ever don't have that girlfriend you have, I'd like to make out with you?

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